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The Earl Campbell - Souvenirs from the Front

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Jul 2, 1917, Belgium p.2
"I am sending you another souvenir. I have Merelda, Paul and Floss one apiece. I will not send them home. I will bring them with me. A brooch and two rings with a name on one them. I am looking for another letter have not had one from home for a week."

Aug 7, 1917, France
"My Dear Mother, … Say I sent you a Registered pencil on the 4th of Aug. It is a very pretty thing. I hope you get it in good shape. I meant to Merelda, Pauline, and Flossie's souvenirs in with yours, but I forgot all about it. Did you get that other souvenir I sent you about a month ago. Harold was at that place. I was wounded there also. I think I had it registered also. Let me know if you get them tow anyway. I know you all got the others ones I sent home. I sent Pauline a silk post-card yesterday. I also send Floss one to-day. I sent Ella one yesterday to. How is Dad and Arch getting along with the harvest. Dad will be hiving swarms of bees most of the time. Maybe I will be home this fall to hunt up some more bee trees. Well Mother I must close now. I will write again in a day or two. Hope everyone is well at home. I am dizzy at times but I feel allright. Write soon,

Your loving son, Earl

Tell Arch I have a G.ring for him."

Aug 15, 1917, Canadian Base, France letter to Arch
p.2 "Did Mother get the silk cushion I sent her. I had it registered. I sent Paul & Floss some cards to. I sent Hazel & Walter some beads. I have a ring for you, but will keep it until I go home. It is a G. ring get me. One night I bumped into him. Then it was him and Yek for it. I can say I handled myself in good shape. I was thinking of lots of things then."

Aug 22, 1917 Belgium
"Dear Merelda, …… Well Merelda I had lots of mail for me when I got up here. The box from home was jake. Must write and thank Dr.Lockard for the figs he had put in the box. I also rec. your letter with Pauline's & Flossie's in Floss wrote to me with a big sale bill from Aurora. I sure had to laugh when I saw it. Glad Mother rec the silk handkerchief with the building on it. I sent her a silk cushion while I was down at the Base. I had it registered so I guess she will get it ok. I sent Hazel & Buddie some beads. You said that Miss Nelson wrote me a letter on the back of my address on the box. Will you can be sure I try hard to put the pieces together. It was badly torn up and I could not read it. So I will write to her. Maybe Harold will have a say in that tho, ha-ha.

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